Sunday 23 July 2017

Lucy's Toys

I washed Lucy's mat and towel yesterday and they came up pretty good however she needed some coaching to sit on them again, it appeared that they did not smell the same. Her mat goes on the carpet square in the family cum dining room and looks like a big paw with extra padding in the toes part part. Sometimes she does lay her head on the thicker part and sleeps.

The towel goes over Warren's cane chair in the family room and she is allowed to jump into the chair if the towel is on it. Sometimes of an evening she will stand in front of the chair and look at it and then at us in the lounge room, waiting for it to be placed down so she can jump up.

I should have gathered her toys and washed them too but I didnt.
These are Lucy's toys, looking a bit worse for wear. The teddy bear on the left she has had for almost a year, it was the first toy we bought her. It did have four limbs and they were gradually ripped off, not all at once but every couple of months teddy would lose a limb and she would play with just that, throwing it up and chasing after it.

The cookie man was on special after Christmas and it did have a red hat but she couldn't have liked that as it didn't last long but everything else is in tact.

Chookie is the latest one, only a couple of weeks old, Warren thought its legs would not last any more than a day or two but it was the head that was ripped, we found stuffing around the yard and a plastic thing. Apparently the plastic piece was the squeaker. I stitched up the head last night while she paced in front of me waiting for it. As soon as I had finished she grabbed it and ran outside with it. She likes to play with them but showing them to us but if we go to take them she runs off with her head held high and then she will sit just out of arms reach, goading us to try to get it. funny dog.

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