Monday 24 July 2017

Morris park

Lucy and I went for a walk this morning at this park, it is about a twenty minute drive from home.

Great park, everything in it plus a geo cache! which I hadnt been able to find. we were there last week and did a walk around then some searching but decided it was one that I couldnt find. Other people had found it before and after me so it was there just not apparent to me.

This is the top end of the park, it goes from one road to the other, a skate ramp is on the right of the photo. I would say that it is about 2 kms around. last week we walked clock wise, today we went anti clock wise. Houses are on the edges mostly with big barking dogs and although Lucy was looking at them, I think she had realised that they are behind fences and cant get to her.

  A bird watching shelter and some gym equipment.
Lucy was interested in the ducks and water fowl that were on the water.
Then finally after getting a hint yesterday from a friend, a cache! Pesty little thing.

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