Sunday 2 July 2017

Fat Head Pizza

What a name for a pizza! Thats what we had for dinner tonight. Of course when I suggested pizza I had forgotten that the oven was stuffed, just the switch but it means that it cant be turned on at the moment.

I have seen Jamie Oliver make a pizza in a fry pan so I thought  if he could do it why not me?

This is the end result.
The crust is made from mainly grated cheese and some cream cheese, an egg and a little almond meal to make it form, roll between two sheets of baking paper then into the hot fry pan.

It was too soft to turn over so i just added the toppings. there is no tomato paste but tomatoes, mushrooms, olives some cooked pork topped with more cheese.

Warren favourite dish when we were in China was twice cooked pork and while this was cooked pork I suppose it was only warmed though as i was concerned the base was going to burn.

Warren offered to get it out of the fry pan, I retired to the lounge room so I didnt see what he did. The bottom was crisp and not burnt and it did taste good.

The recipe was enough for two so i have frozen one for next week as cant have pizza two nights running can one?

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