Monday 10 July 2017

Letter boxes

We found quite a few letter box caches while we were away. I have always found these are quite cute, especially if they are an actual letter box.

Often there is a little puzzle to work out to get the combination lock to open it. I had solved one, the questions all related to Noah's Ark and that was also the name of the cache. I knew all the answers I thought but did check with Mr Google on the number of daughter in laws that Noah had, better to be safe than wrong. In the end we didnt pick that one up but it is there for a later trip.

This one is also called Noah's Ark. The middle part opened up and the log book was inside that. Thhis was was very similar but the questions were different. It was outside some-one's house but the greenery was quite thick and it was quite a way away from the house.

Slow boat to China was the name of this one, so cute, the back opened, a typical junk.
And then there was this one, called The Cream Box. The others are for real, the name on the letter box is G Cach, it had a "No Junk Mail" sign on the front, combination lock with the numbers in the hint.

We did a fourth one but silly me, I didn't take a photo of it.

It was in the shape of a very skinny man, using a gas bottle as his middle, pipes for arms and legs. His legs had been cemented in to Rubber boots. One arm had a letter dangling from it which had the combination of the lock. Ha, had to find the key first! his hat twisted and raised just enough to get the key out which had been placed in a mint tin to keep it dry.

Inside his belly were two containers, one with SWAG and the other with trackables and log book.
What a great find that was, it did have 152 favourite points and I can see why, I also gave it a fav point.

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