Monday 26 September 2016

To Jack the Bed

I was making our bed the other day and Warren said to me when I walked out, "I thought you said you were going to make the bed."

I told him that I had made it. He looked in and then told me that I was the fastest at "jacking a bed" that he had ever seen.

"What are you talking about?" Apparently when he went to school, just pulling up a bed and straightening the pillows was the quick way and the masters used to call it "jacking the bed." They were supposed to strip the bed and make it again from scratch every morning. What a waste of time and energy. Although for 15 to 18 year old boys it probably a good exercise to use up some of their energy.

I told Warren that with fitted sheets and doonas, no way was I going to spend that much time so I will continue to "Jack the bed".

He did go on to say that the bed looked neater when I did it to when he did it. I said that I had had more practise and maybe he needs to practise some more.

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