Sunday 11 September 2016

Out in the bush

This was me yesterday. I had grabbed a cache in the morning and it had a path tag which I didnt know what to do with it. When in doubt, I just ring the Wealth of Information (in geo, this would be Sheridan, shes quicker than Google). She told me what to do with it and as they weren't too away, they came to visit and see it.

Then of course we had to go and get some other caches.

This one was out in a wooded area and the hint was a "bison" which in my experience to date is a small tube about the size of one's thumb. Oh My Goodness, in that bushy area it was going to be hard to find. We stood on the side of the road thinking about where to look when I looked up and saw it. It was black about six inches long and round like a drink coaster hanging from a branch.
This is our screen after yesterdays foray. Sheridan got nine and ours numbered nine as well which was Thursdays and yesterdays combined. Once a cache has been logged the dots change into smiley faces. I think we have done about thirty since we have been home but not all have been in our own back yard so to speak.  As many of them were small, we only got to use our stamp twice.

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