Sunday, 11 September 2016

An Unsettling Day

Friday was a yuk day! I started off doing the housework in fifteen minute bursts and as the morning went on I thought I had better take Lucy for a walk as she was nosing around and i knew that was what she wanted.

We set off and was only down the road about 60 or 70 metres and it started to rain and quite heavy so we came back home. I made a cup of coffee and then started to feel quite tired. It was darkish and dreary outside with the rain coming down. A dreak day as a Scottish guy I met once told me was the description of a day like that. They have them often in Scotland but here it is rare to have a "dreak" day.

It was still only mid morning but I thought buggar it, I am going back to bed. I read for awhile and then slept for about a half an hour. Not sure if Lucy woke me with a wet nose or I just woke up. It was still yukky outside.

I know that wind unsettles kids at school and I guess at home as well and that was what I felt like, I knew that I should have been doing stuff, sewing, grocery shopping but after the housework, we watched some catch up TV, even had a glass of wine, very unusual for an afternoon. I did get some knitting done.

Thank goodness we don't get too many of those days. It rained again yesterday but it wasn't as dreary just wet.

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