Wednesday 14 September 2016


Now that my knitted rug is finished I have been able to get on with knitting beanies. These will be donated to a homeless shelter.

These are some that I have done this week.
Thy are knitted in double wool hence the colours, I just need to sew them up using the loose threads. somehow I have lost my large wool needle so I needed to replace it and Spotlight had a sale so as the beanies using take a third of a ball they are quite cheap. The wool was a good price $1.61 a ball.

Most days I can make one per day depending on what is going on. Going to work slows my output of course.
I like the black one but t hard on the eyes to knit at night so I have gone for more manly colours in darker wool in my new lot of wool just not black. The homeless shelter seems to need more for men.

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