Thursday, 8 September 2016

Picnic in the Park

I have been looking at different places that we can go with Lucy. BL (before Lucy) we would often go out for coffee or lunch but we feel that she is not ready to be left yet for any length of time so we go for a picnic where she can go and then we take her for a walk in a different area. A win/win for all. (there just may be another reason as well! which was very successful today)

Today we headed out the road from home, it was only seven kilometres as the crow flies but driving was about eleven or twelve kilometres. After five kilometres we were in new territory, never been there before.
The road had narrowed and was windy through some hills, quite pleasant driving and I was amazed at the number of houses dotted around.

We went across a ford and I would guess that the road would get flooded if there was a lot of rain, just along from the ford was the park that was our destination. oh my goodness, what a great little park. There was a grassy spot to pull off the road and park, several sets of tables and stools, the one we chose and it was closest to the car had a shelter over it. the weather was threatened to rain so we were grateful for the shelter although in the end we didnt need it.

Bins were dotted around and there was even a toilet block! While we were having our lunch a worker came by and emptied the bins and cleaned the toilets! Big trees and lots of birds, a nice quiet park.

Lucy was tethered to a long rope and took full advantage of it, smelling out many and varied smells, too busy to eat her dried pork trotter.

To top off our short trip out, we found what we went for and the others on the way home, three from three was a good day for us and Lucy have finally learnt how to jump into the back of the car. Her harness get clipped into the back car seat belt, she can walk along the back seat a little way but she tends to snooze while we are driving.

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