Sunday 25 September 2016

The Beauty of DVDs

We have a massive amount of DVDs that we had bought over the years, mainly while we were in China. This afternoon after a long day for me yesterday and Warren had a morning of riding through the pine forests, we just wanted to vege out in front of the TV and watch a good movie.

Ahh, but which one, I trolled through three large packs before finding something that A we hadn't seen and B would probably suit both of us, C if we went to sleep it wouldn't matter.

We selected a Steve Martin movie and settled down to watch. It was pretty boring and stupid.

The best thing about a DVD is even though we bought it, we dont have to watch it. We took a vote, stopped it and now its in the bin, the second for the week although the first one that hit the bin, we did at least watch the whole movie.

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