Friday 28 April 2023

ANZAC day.

 Saw us up bright and early although we didn't go to the actual dawn service which was at 4.30am. We went to one at a retirement village which started at 6am and it was just getting light when the last post was playing.

That always gets me emotional when I hear that play, usually it is also deathly silent when it's playing which adds to the solmnish of the occassion. 

I got to wear my service medal and also my dad's. It's unfortunate that Mum gave his three kids one medal each, they really should be kept and worn together. I am going to see if I can get replicas of them and have them mounted. 

Mine doesn't need mounted as it's only the one but multiples should be mounted like Warren's are in the photos.

Personal medals are worn on the left, above the heart, family members medals are worn on the right.

We had a gunfire breakfast after the service which is egg and bacon with rum in coffee, my first sip, I nearly chocked as I was not expecting to be able to taste the rum but I think someone had a heavy hand. It was good but glad we shared the coffee.

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