Wednesday 19 April 2023


 This town has a van park with ensuites, we have stayed here before and Warren thought we should treat ourselves, it was $15 extra for an ensuite. The bays are like long high patios.

Only problems was our second camper is bigger and we needed more height to tip the lid over. No problems says Was, I will just drive forward with the lid half up and then reverse it back. He did and then it fitted. Our ensuite was two steps out the door.

We then took Lucy for a walk down town, there were statues of Dad, Dave Mabel and Mum, from old Aussie folklore although the stories were based on a real family. Years gone bye, there were many jokes regarding Dad and Dave.

Also discovered some art work.

Gundagai is also famous for Rusconi marvel, I think it's called. He spent many years training in Italy on marble then for 27 years using a sewing machine motor he fashioned pieces of marble into a "castle" with trees and scrubs. I seem to remember that the front door had 20 plus pieces in it and only about four inches tall. It was not put together until he had finished all the pieces.

It's on display at the tourist information and when we viewed it a few years ago, it was a $2 entry fee, it is a magnificent sight.

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