Thursday 13 April 2023


 A bigger town, don't think it is big enough to be called a city. It was north through logging Forrest's and on the main road from Melbourne to Mt Gambier, lower part of South Australia.

This plaque got me rather excited as Colac was the place that Cliffie Young came from, he was/is famous for running an 800kms run in ten days when he was 60 years of age.

A letterbox cache, easy to find as it was in a bank of four letter boxes like many of them are on a country road. Had a lock on it which we had to work out. It was a combination lock with letters. Saw the numbers on the back and hey presto BEAD. It was rusty so Warren had to encourage it a little to open.

Another small township on the way, got a cache there too, our haul was nine for the day.

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