Wednesday 5 April 2023

Brisbane yay!

 Just after I had covid, it took a few days to build up to decent walking again. I set myself a task of making Brisbane by the end of March.

I knew how far it was but hadn't stopped to work out how to achieve it. Bit of a shock when I did as I needed to walk 3.6kms each and every day! 

I can be pig headed at times and didn't want to change the goal posts so foot to the path.

Lucy of course helped and it does seem strange if I go for a walk without her.

There were a couple of rainy days where we didn't get out and some days when Warren took her in the mornings, I then had to do something different.

Just about each afternoon/evening Lucy and I would walk to and around the park, it was a 1.9km circuit.

Last week and I had just over 8kms to do in three days but we were travelling.  Everytime we stopped, I walked even if it was 400m.

Made it!

On the Run the World site, tells me I have done it.

Next milestone is Dalby, 206kms away, I have set the time frame as when we get back from Japan, mid June. 2.8kms needed each day but don't know what is up next re travel, hoping to get there before then but it's a goal to work towards.

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