Thursday 6 April 2023

Apollo Bay

 The Great Ocean Walk or GOW starts from here. We drove through and then had to double back to park in the back streets, no parking for caravans in the main street.

We first visited here with the kids about 38 to 40 years ago, again at Easter time. I remember that it was wet, we were in tents and I spent a lot of time in the car knitting.

 That year I made the kids a jumper each, only time I did. The pattern was the same and had three colours. Jason chose cream, light and dark blue, Rob had three shades of green and Sheridan picked brown pink and white, hers looked like the Neapolitan ice cream.

Apollo Bay hadnt seemed to change that much.

We found a post with the marker. Kids were staying here (AB) the night before the walk.

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