Sunday 23 April 2023


 Lucy came with us this time. I had hummed and harred about taking her as it would mean that she had to be on lead all the time.

Each time we stopped for fuel, I would take her for a walk, not a long walk but she went on four to five walks a day.

The day they left, Lucy was hopeful to go too but was quite happy to get in the car. We had to drive through national parks to get to our camp site. Dogs and cats are prohibited but they are allowed in the car parks.

As she doesn't toilet near home, it meant walking her every couple of hours, good for my walking but I didn't get as much done as I thought.

Millicent was nice and grassy,she approved.

She loved rolling on the grass.

The fencing was on the edge of the park and most mornings we headed this way.
It rained at Millicent and so the afternoon before we left, we took the Annex down. The car was open for some reason and Lucy didn't want to be left behind so she jumped in and stayed there until she was lured out on the promise of a walk.

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