Sunday 16 April 2023

Millicent Sth Australia

 Cape Otway to Millicent in one day, windy coast roads opened up into country roads and then we picked up half an hour in time when we crossed the border. Our phones changed but the car clock didn't, we left it like that.

Stayed at the same caravan park as we did last year, we can walk from there to the nursing home if we want to, Warren did one day and Lucy and I met him half way.

Gary is in a different room and oh boy what a rabbit Warren it is, the room is bigger and he is near the coffee room. Because we had Lucy with us, we couldn't visit together I went in the morning and Warren went in the afternoons.

One day we had a massive rain storm, lots of wind and rain, it nearly ripped the Annex down. It was comfortable in the trailer but hard to sleep because the wind was slapping against the canvas.

We were on the outer road and we had grassed area in front over a rise, there was a resident mob of kangaroos, ten was the most that we counted. There were about 80 metres away, Lucy was rather intrigued with them and the cows further out.

The brown dots in the top middle are some of the roos.

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