Friday 31 March 2023


 For a few years now I have been making quilts for charity with my excess fabric. I have used pretty much all of mine so now I buy sheets and doona covers from op shops.

The inner is a wool blend that Ibuyfrom spotlight in a big roll. 8m by 250cm. I cut it in 1.5m lengths and then in halves, I can get eight full sized and two smaller ones from a bolt.

The last one I bought was $80 and I had used half. I figured I needed to get on with it as winter will be here before we know it.

My challenge is to make 12 blankets to donate, either sewn or crocheted. 

Last week I took some time to cut out the remaining inners.

The inners folded ready to go. I checked my stash, I washed and prep the op shop buys as soon as I get them, cost is between $2 and $5. Doona covers are the best as they're double and longer, the excess goes into my stash to make toppers from shapes, squares or hexagons.

Ended up over three days I made three quilts, a sandwich of top and back with the wool blend in the middle. I sewn around and put a few stitches in the middle just so they stay together.

Three finished quilts really to donate.

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