Friday 3 March 2023

NI trees

 Massive trees on Norfolk. Besides the Norfolk pines there are Morton Bay figs. Of course the history books talk about Captain Cook calling into Norfolk to get the trunks of the trees for masts. They were certainly tall enough and straight enough but they are a soft wool so not suitable, he had to sail on to Australia to get the hard wood trees.

A Morton bay fig, this was not the biggest on the island but the second biggest and second oldest. The biggest is now onprivate property and no longer accessible to the general public. Our bus driver told us that she remembers playing in and around it when she was a child.

Just a quirky tree in the Hundred acre reserve.

This majestic tree was in the grounds of St Barnaby's church.

Entrance to the Hundred acre reserve, it wasn't a hundred acres but a nod to Christopher Robbins, Winnie the Pooh. Nice shaded area with gravel paths opening to a grassed area suitable for picnics, even picnic tables.

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