Tuesday 14 March 2023

Swimming time

 While we went to Norfolk Island, Lucy had a holiday with Lorelle, the dog sitter. We knew that Lorelle took the dogs in her charge to the beach to swim. Lucy has always been scared at the beach and of the waves.

We have taken her a few times and she has always walked to the extent of her lead away from the water.

We were told that she loved swimming. Took Lucy to the off lead beach area after holidays.

Tide was in too much and lapping up to the rock wall.
Warren went over the rock wall and walked out, it's not that deep.
I didn't want to go down over the rock wall, just my luck to slip and fall.
Lucy wasn't sure which one of us she wanted to be closer to, a regular problem for her if we are not together.

Nothing like peer pressure even in the dog world.

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