Wednesday 1 March 2023

NI Tuesday

 We were booked to go on a horse and carriage ride but they had rung and posphoned it until Wednesday. We still had some caching to do so it wasn't a problem. There were 68 caches on the island and an extra one if people found all of them. Warren had stated we were going to try to get them all. I set the bar lower and was hoping to get 50, ended up with 58. 

We headed up island and then went south. Beautiful scenery again with glimpses of the sea as we came around corners.

Sea is a deep blue at the top end.
These cows were actually behind a fence, again post and rail, very substantial fences.

This fence led into a park, I thought at first we couldn't get in, not wanting to go on to private property even though the cache stated it was at a reserve. Then we saw the entrance, a gap meaning that people could go in but of course the cows couldn't fit.

Warren had said that he hadn't seen any pine cones, well we found one. It was quite big, the size of a rock melon and pretty solid, coming down from a fair height, I reckon it could knock a person out.

Lovely part of the meandering dirt road, when the Royals visited, Queen Elizabeth had a very pretty look out named after her, Prince Phillip got a dirt road at the back of the island, it really was off the beaten track. We followed the GPS because of a cache otherwise I think it would only be the locals that used this road.

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