Tuesday 7 March 2023

Goodbye Norfolk Island

 The chooks with their chickens were all on the lawn when we left. No food left so we went to check the car and apartment keys back and then had breakfast.

Hens were all black but the roosters were multi colours

The multi coloured chicks had interesting colours.

The airport. There were two wings to the building. We checked our bags in and then waited. Had to go through to the building on the left to board our plane. Left at 1400 (or 2pm) and arrived back at 14.40 (2.40pm). Two hour time difference.
The car was waiting for us, we had paid an extra $6 and got valet parking, very worth it. Just straight out of the airport and across the crossing, car was parked up and attendant even loaded our bags into the car. Not necessary as we travel light. Warren has always said that whatever I pack, I carry and fair enough, apparently it is an Army thing. My bag was 10.9kgs and his was 9.9kgs plus our back packs.

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