Monday 13 March 2023

Felix the cat.

 Looking for my license last week forced me to check through some drawers and I found some old magazines. I had put them aside possibly because there were some patterns in them. I removed the patterns I wanted and the rest went in the bin. Yay me. Too many things take root in this place and just stay, good to dispose of stuff no longer required.

It was a good feeling.

Well, on to Felix, there was a pattern of a cat and I wondered if I could make it. Stands 30cms high with clothes.

Took me four days, I am about to finish his mate who will have a skirt, I will have to fudge that. Not sure how tall Felix is but must be close to the 30cms, I used my favourite hook which is half a size bigger than recommended. He's unusually as the pattern calls for starting at the legs and stuff as you go meaning that legs body and head are done as one piece. Arms tail and ears are the only stitching needed.

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