Saturday 23 July 2022

Tailem Bend

 I have wondered how this place gof its name. It is on a bend in the river, thats the Murray river. Anyway this used to be a very poor cousin to Murray Bridge, now its come into its own as the highway has bypassed Murray Bridge and Tailem Bend is the first stop after going through the Adelaide hills.

Some enterprising soul also put up the money to run some motor sports so its come into its own. We stopped for morning tea/early lunch. Warren decided he needed more cereal as we were parked opposite a supermarket. 

He went one way and I went the other as there was a cache near a dog park.

I thought this was a real dog but not it was a statue, also one with its paws on the bench and corgi cocking his leg further in. No actual dogs using the park when I was there.

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