Wednesday 13 July 2022

Stuart Wells

 This is just a rest stop with a road house, of course there was a cache there that with we hadnt got so we called in. 

We found it and then I went to buy a pie or pastie, something to warm us. 

Notice on the door stated "Come on in but dont slam the bloody door", it made me chuckle and they had pies then I saw they had pasties as well so chose them. The girl behind the counter called them a sausage roll. Whatever, it did have some vegetables in it and was one of the nicest I had had. Warren thought that they were homemade.

Return notice on door "Now that you are in here, dont slam the bloody door on the way out"

Tree just coming out in flower.
We had to pull over for this beastie.

Camel outside the cafe.

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