Friday 22 July 2022


 It was a short trip into Adelaide, only a couple of hours, we had stayed at this caravan park before so Warren knew where he was going, he had spent a few years living in Adelaide between school and work. 

We met two of his nieces for dinner, it seems funny saying that when they are not much younger than us. A good night with lots of chat.

Saturday we were going to meet Warrens sister for lunch but she had rang earlier in the week suggesting we meet at the football. She knows I am a pies fan and it was my team verse her team at ghe Adelaide oval. I didnt even realise we were there when they were playing. She was able to get tickets and we caught a train in. Warren went to his old school as he knew where we could leave the car. There didnt seem to be much parking only in the streets.

We were entertained by ballet dancers, I was cold with three layers on plus gloves. 

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