Sunday 24 July 2022

Mundulla pt 2

 I spent my primary school days at Mundulla, there was an average of 97 kids in the years that I attended, this year there is 68 enrolled. Three teachers and each room that I was in had three classes in it. My grade had ten, six girls and four boys and in grade seven we had two more boys who had failed and had to repeat. One boy in particular never went on to high school, I think he repeated grade seven four times til he was old enough to leave. He was the bell monitor plus the inkwell monitor and he did a fair bit in the garden and in winter keeping the wood up to the fires. However, he became a very successful farmer in the district.

Across the road is what was known as the new hall. There was a small community hall but it wasnt big enough so fir several years townsfolk ran fund raisers to build the new hall. It was built in 1954, with no debt, later there was a covered walkway built between the two halls. My dad was one of the projectionists for the movies that were shown each week.

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