Sunday 31 July 2022

Lake Bolac

 Funny little place, we were just staying overnight before we went through Melbourne. Warren came back to the car laughing, apparently the caravan park manager was a very interesting character.

He was asked if he was police or government official as either of those were not allowed and would actually be fined $10,000. 

After Warren assured him that he was neither, then he could stay if he was a member of the community. Warren said that he wasn't and was told to scan an app on the wall and agree to the conditions and then we could stay, apparently there was six pages of stuff to read which he told Warren he could read it later.

Cost was $25for cash or $30 for card, Warren said that we usually didn't have much cash and then the guy said that was okay, he would only charge us $25.

Warren said that he wasn't sure if the guy was serious or trying to be funny.

It had been raining but we got set up in a few drops of rain before it came down heavier. Luckily I had two pasties in the fridge which we heated in the camp kitchen as cooking outside when it's cold and wet is not my favourite thing to do.

Seen at the entrance 

The lake.

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