Thursday 23 June 2022

The Saga of the Camper

 Driv8ng merrily up the road on our way to Blackall, I felt a bump, the same time as Warren said "Thats not good". He pulled the side of the road and stopped, just enough room to be off the bitumen. No flat tyres, then he looked underneath and saw the springs hanging down, four large straps of steel.

Get out the phone to ring Racq, at 28kms, mobile service was patchy but we got through and then John (Racq) rang us to say he would be out soon. 

I got out chairs and we sat on the roadside and watched the traffic go by. A couple stopped to help out which was nice. I felt a bit useless and said to Warren that I should get my crochetout but then he would arrive. Ha, I would, by then Warren had moved the car up about 60 metres so the truck could come in. Walking back to the chairs with my crocheting, yep, there came the truck.

We had to help get it on board by pushing on the side that had no springs anymore. Once we got back to town Cunnamulla, we rang the caravan park to see if they had a cabin available. As luck would have it, they had had a cancellation that morning, we booked for three nights until we knew what was happening. John said two or three days.

Warren helped get the van off then cambered inside to get the food out of the freezer. Drove down to the park and I went to pay as Warren had left his wallet and tablet in the camper. While explaining who I was and ghat Warren had spoken to them, a call came in that the other lady answered. It was the woman who had cancelled the cabin saying that she still wanted it. Lucky fir us, not so for her. Apparently she had booked it months before and the cp had rung her that morning to see if she still wanted the booking, she said no then discovered that her alternate plan had failed so she did need it. Shd had a tent on board so she used that.  

Poor little camper trailer looked so small and forlorn up on the back of the tow truck. It was listing on the left, that was of course the side where the springs had broken.

The cabin was tiny with a seperate bedroom, two tvs and a microwave, we bought a couple of microwave meals to heat up. I thought the xabin at $145 a night was a bit dear but beggars cant be choosers.

John saud he would ring once he kbew anything. No call in the morning, we stayed within the town so we didnt miss it. 

He rang at 2.30 to say it would be ready to colkect after 7am the next morning. Two longer days, missing a trip to Opaltown and we are back on track jyst $1100 out of pocket but sh......happens.

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