Thursday 23 June 2022

Mt Isa

 Nice big town/city. Having had trouble with places booked out, Warren rang ahead and booked in for three nights where we stayed before and did the touristy things. 

This time it will be for a rest, catch up on washing shopping and some caching.

Realised that the sites were $59 a night! Ours is so small that we couldn't put our awning up if we wanted, the car has to be parked sideways 8n front of the van. Not happy Jan!

After lunch we went into town, first cache was up a bushy hill past a homeless persons shelter, we didnt do it, opting to do an adventure lab instead which was finding sculptures around town. At the last one we saw a Coffee Club nearby, coffee would be good. Walked in and they told us they were closed, at 2pm! A local saw us walk out and told us about another coffee place jyst around the corner. What the? Sign on the door saud closed at 1.30pm.

Found our way to shopping centre, bought a few groceries, bit pricy but thats expected here. Saw a donut and coffee place outside, I went to order while Warren packed and paid. It was open but their coffee machine was finished for the day, it was 2.45pm.

Maybe the locals dont have afternoon snacks.


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