Saturday 18 June 2022

Day four.

 Still in Cunnamulla. Our plan today was to walk the town. We watched many vans leave and after a second coffee we set off, first stop was the Billabong pub, a kilometre away, easy answers to get, then back into town. The adventure lab took us around pubs in the towns, we came across the centre where we delivered the quilts and blankets yesterday.

The second adventure lab we needed the car as it went over ten kilometres and some on the highway although the traffic is slower and fewer here. We went to the Robbery tree, apparently some guy was a bit naughty back in the 1880s, he hid up a tree, many people were out looking for him then a sheep dog sat under the tree barking, when the cop investigated, he saw the robber. He must have been guilty of more  as he was the last man hung in Australia. The tree is still there looking rather sad, its jyst a trunk with a few dead branches to one side.

Walked about nine kms

Caravan park, $40, top up of fuel $25. Total $65, thats better.  Off to Blackall tomorrow

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