Monday 27 June 2022

Mt Isa to Tennant Creek

 Packing up is a bit of an art but I think we have it pretty well nailed down. Its funny but I do the outside stuff while Warren does inside.

I asked him what the time was when I was still in bed, 7.05 was the answer, suppose I had better get up as it would be a long day, 643ks.

I pulled our bed lights down as I got out of bed, made our ablutions, Warren made breakfast. We sat and ate. We had a visitor.

After breakfast we started packing up, Warren took down the antenna while I washed up and secured the kitchen. He made the bed, it has to be done in a certain way so it travels okay, the Tv goes under the bedding. Next I fold the chairs and table, chairs under tge bed and table at the end. I undo all the studs around the camper and unhook the power, meanwhile Warren is sweeping and vaccing the floor, then its up with the back, tuck all the sides in and click roof/floor on top. Time to back up the car, he can do it with the reversing camera, hook up, my jib then is to make sure all lights are working, pick up tge blocks and off. We drove out the gate at 8.10.


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