Saturday 18 June 2022

ay three Cunnamulla

 The morning saw us packing up the camper and moving it two rows over where there was piwer, also alongside of the toilets, for a change I had less to walk.

Once that was done it was off 9n a country road (dirt) to find ten letter boxes, lunch a rest then we travelled outside to collect some puzzles caches, most had been jigsaws which Sheridan had worked on and given details. Quite a bit of water on the sides of the road, very unusually sight out here. We saw several emus and had one kangaroo hop alongside us for awhile, hoping he wasnt going to dive zcross the road in front of us but no he knew where there was a big hole in the fence and dived in there and out in the paddock. It was like a doggy door for roos, the fence was netting, not easy to break through.

Fuel $129 & caravan park $40 total $169, 

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