Monday 20 June 2022

Day six.

 The mechanic said he would ring once he knew what was happening with the springs as they would need to be sourced in Brisbane and sent out by courier, about a 1000kms.

Had a great night sleep breakfast and planned our day, we knew we couldnt go to far because of the mobile coverage. There are bushlands here with a walk around it pointing out the different species of trees and bushes.  We grabbed a few more caches around town then lunch down town, chatted to several people.

A Citron car club is going through here heading to Cape Yorke, not sure that I would want to be going that far in a fifty plus year old tiny car.

At 2.30pm, mechanic, John, rang and said we could pick the van out in the morning, any time after 7am.  Wow.

We told the caravan park that we wouldnt need the third night in the cabin, if they use it then they will refund our money.

Money spent today $145 for cabin.

Luckily we were going to stay a couple of nights in some places, now we will be continuing on.

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