Thursday 9 June 2022

Hot Choc v Coffee

 For years I gave had trouble sleeping at times, our son told me that if he had coffee after mid afternoon, he couldn't sleep until midnight or 2am.

I dropped coffee at night and that helped.

My not sleeping had been getting worse and I bought natural sleeping tablets. After a week of those I seemed to be sleeping better and when I should. Then it took a turn fir the worse with me being awake for three ir four hours after going to bed. I did get a lit if reading in.

I was tired and often would need a sleep in the afternoons, no problems then going to sleep. A hot chocolate was my nightly drink then I changed it to a jarrah hot chocolate rather than drinking chocolate.

Around midnight, I would often make a hot drink, one night I had read two books and the clock read 4.50am before sleeping.

The next morning in a dopey haze, I wondered if the chocolate had caffeine as an ingredient, it wasnt listed but I didn't want to take a chance, no more hot chocolate for me.

This was three weeks ago and I have been sleeping much better and waking up feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed.

I drink plain hot water now for a hot drink. One black weak coffee for breakfast and one for morning tea, then just water.

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