Thursday 16 June 2022

Day one

 A later start with the car full

Had lunch at Moore and then we continued on to Dalby, Maccas our usual stops when we go that way. Argh, yellow lines where we normally park, how dare they change things. We know that we lost a hubcap there years ago when Warren git a bit close to the kerb. Parked in a side street and walked, then Maccas had changed, no longer gad a Mccafe.

We ordered an iced flappe and raisin toast, ten minutes later about thirty school kids entered, thank goodness fir the automatic ordered terminals. They were in maroon uniforms, then another lot came in dressed in red and black uniforms. Maccas must do a roaring trade in after school snacks.

Got to Moonie at five jyst on dusk, although we had dinner on board, we opted to gave a hamburger from the roadhoyse, yum complete with beetroot.

Lots of trucks go through but it quietens down by midnight 

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