Monday 6 June 2022

Ready set and almost going.

 Time to get the camper trailer out and get it ready. Always a hassle as we tend to dump stuff on top of it and of course, everything has to come off.

With little room in the garage, the kayaks live on top  with the motor bike, scooter and mg bike parked af the end. Its no quick job to get it out and set up.

Everything was in place and we had a few things that needed to go in, I bought a plastic collaspable sink with a drain. Warren wanted to check brakes and wheel bearings. One side wheel bearing is worn so it was booked in last Friday for a service and we had to go through it all again. 

Pushing it into the garage was so easy, we are assuming that is the new brakes.

Starting to think of clothes, we will be spending a couple of weeks in tge southern states and if is currently very cold there, today was 8 degrees. Going to have to get out my trusty jacket that I lived in, in the latter part of our time in China. It does not get cold enough here to wear it, but seems like it should get some more use. 

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