Thursday 1 August 2019


The map or GPS said that we should drive into town on the north side to a T junction and turn right which would take us on the outskirts and to continue onto Quilpie.

However, I had found a cache, the only one in town ans so we turned left, which sent the gps into a frenzy but cant help that. We only had to travel a kilometre to a local park.

According to the cache page, some traveller/cacher felt that there should be a cache there and contacted the local scouts group and now they maintain it, it is also on their fence line.
This was the cache and I had to laugh as the person before us had a "did not find". Really? How could you miss it?
The reason for the cache was to show people a piece from history that I certainly did not know before.
Charleville is towards the centre of Australia and very hot and dry. Back in 1902 on advice of a meteorologist, cannons were built with a view to fire into the clouds to make it rain. It was not successful. Two out of the orginal six are still standing.
There was a lovely park surrounding them including a small stream with a waterfall and a couple of small wooden bridge. We all had a very pleasant walk around the park before I made coffee and we had morning tea.  Then back into the car and headed for Quilpie.

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