Wednesday 7 August 2019

Second day in Charleville

We decided to stay two nights in Charleville as we had been setting up for the night and moving on the next day. The park was quite busy the first night  I counted 53 vans, campers and tents but they all moved on except for four vans and there were only about twelve altogether the second night.

I wandered into town to top up with milk and meat, even though the fridge is small, I was quite amazed how much I could fit in there. As it is not connected to 12 vault we had to transfer things from the camper fridge to the car fridge, which is also not that large. I ended up using a shopping bag to put in the butter cream meat and milk from one to the other. The meat in the freezer remained frozen during the day so didnt need to move that.

One of the attractions in Charleville was a solar display running from 1pm til 9pm. Warren booked into the afternoon session and got to look at the sun through a large telescope, he was able to take pictures through it and it shows up a very firey orange red.

At night, there is no lights allowed, as people drive up they need to turn their car lights off at the entry and arrive fifteen  minutes beforehand to allow peoples eyes adjust to the light or lack of light.

Both tours take about two hours and Warren purchased a drink bottle and a mug and told me I could choose which one I wanted.
I took the cup, I like the periodic table, I dont remember learning about it when I was at school but we did quite a bit on it when I worked as an aide.
It can be used to make puzzles as well.

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