Sunday 4 August 2019

West of Quilpie

We werent going any further than Quilpie but before we turned for home, we travelled out the road to do an Earth Cache. These are finding and answering questions about a natural spot. Some seem pretty hard but this paticular one appeared quite easy so we ventured out.

We needed to drive about 30 kilometres to a particular spot and take the elevation and fill in the blanks about a hand written sign. We saw a pair of brolgas and some emus while we were driving, unfortunately I did not have my phone ready to take pics.
Found the sign and it told us what the elevation was and funnily enough, our phones said 246 metres, then Warren realised that it was because we were holding them above the ground. 
Red dirt everywhere.
Drove back to town and visited the visitors centre and a lady from the local council shire, they are new cachers and will be attending the event in Blackall later in the year. Between them, they are looking after the caches in Quilpie. The earth cache and one other have been there for some years, the rest  had been placed only a few days before we arrived.

Next stop was Cooladdie again for a drink and ice cream.

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