Sunday 18 August 2019

Coffee morning

Thursdays we go in different directions, I drive and take Warren to the train and then head north while he goes south.
I finish earlier than him and then go to collect him from the train station again. This week, as I was waitinģ, he sent a message to say he had missed the train. It would be another half hour before the next one.

I offered to drive the 20 minutes and he could buy me coffee or lunch as it was getting to that time.

We had been for coffee at this particular place a few months ago. Came across this interesting path.
Coffee was a bit disappointing as it is a big place with lots of tables and chairs even a couple of sofas and lounge chairs but we discovered there was no menu and the only food they had was four types of sweet things in a covered fridge. We ordered coffee and one piece of caramel slice to share. On the way back to the car, we stopped into subway and bought a steak and salad roll.

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