Friday 16 August 2019


I had the occassion to go south this morning, as I was leaving just after peak traffic times, my options were motorway or the back way. Motorway won out until I realised that the lane I was in only turned right. Buggar, oh well, the back way it was.

The motorway is quicker but lots of cars and everyone expects cars to do the speed limit. Backway is slower not by much, I used the backway when I was working as it was less likely to be held up by traffic incidents.

 The backway meanaders around and speed limits go from 80, 70,60 and even 50 in some places, there are also several school zones. It is a far nice way to travel and only adds about five minutes to the trip.

About twelve kilometres from my end destination where I needed to go around a roundabout, through the lights, across a lowlying bridge there were warning signs about roadworks ahead. As I turned the bend, I saw a temporary traffic light and it was yellow, I slowed even further and I was the first car to go once the light went green.

There was a lady in a vest by the light, not sure why but that was obviously her job to stay there. She waved and put up two fingers, I assumed it was only going to be a couple of minutes.

I amused myself by watching the guys move the traffic cones, light changed to green and I eased off the brake, then the lady gives a very exaggerated sweep of her arm as if inviting me to move. It was very funny and certainly put a smile on  y face for the rest of the journey. Good on her for making a boring job into something more pleasurable for her and the motorists.

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