Thursday 29 August 2019

Rainbow Beach sand blow

I think this does have another name but it is in Rainbow Beach and it is a sand blow. Except for geo caching I would not have known about it.

We rocked up to do it, it was an earth cache so needed tovisit and answer some questions about it. First problem, the path to the sandblow is in national park so Lucy cannot go there. Warren says to me, you go, I stay with Lucy in the car with a/c on. How hard can it be, only 420 metres as the crow flies. First corner and the path starts to rise, then there were steps (I hate steps!), these were one step up and a metre platform then another step, 60 of the buggars. I figured that I had done 57 at tge footy the week before so I could do these But any more and I was going back to the car.

Fifty eight metres and there are more steps, hum, so close, I did think about turning back but 58 metres surely a doodle, there were only 20 steps in that set. Yay, made it.
Very impressive. 
There was an info board there but the info that I needed wasnt there. I took photos of it and the sand and then wandered back. Took the time to read the info boards at the start of the walk. Well, blow me down, the info I needed was there. Did not need to go to the actual sand blow but glad I did.

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