Wednesday 28 August 2019

Weird and Wacky Letterbox.

While at Rainbow Beach we drove further up to Poona. We stayed at Poona years ago and it was next to the beach but really needed a boat to do anything on water. The caravan park has been updated since we stayed and we wanted to see what it was like now.

It is a one horse town with one general store but that was closed and I think it still has the same closed sign on the door as it had six years ago.

However the caravan was very busy and they have opened a store as part of that so at least people can get some things from there. We took our pinic to a seat on the beach but didnt stay long as it was quite cool.

Someone has placed a couple of caches along bush walks so we went walking and found those. Lucy loved running along the bush tracks.
We also spied a very unusual letterbox on the way into town, I'm sure a lot were like me and stopped to take a piccie.
Obviously a Qld fan, judging by the colours.

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