Wednesday 31 July 2019

A visit to UQ

I had not been to the Queensland Uni before and had not realised how big it is. There was an event that we were attending and a couple of things that we wanted to do beforehand. Problem was parking, even though it was in holiday time, there was apparently a graduation ceremony happening and many cars. Finally we found one and had to register and use a qr code to pay, a whole $5 for all day.

We caught up with some other cachers who were also going to the event and wandered the grounds looking for the clues.
Pose for a photo with this one and say what it was made from.
I saw a couple of impressive fountains in the grounds.
We found our way to an experiment, it takes approx nine years to drop a drop, it was commenced in 1920s and each drop that has fallen, i think there are eight or nine are held in a glass jar. A student is tasked to be there to watch it. Next drop is expected to fall in 2021.
We were required to answer some questions about the experiment to get our smilie.

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