Monday 31 December 2018

Front seats at the tennis

Warren worked at the Brisbane International Tennis yesterday and was informed that he would be presented with a five year pin for services rendered. Not just him but he was one of them, as such he would receive two free tickets, then it seemed that all the vollies would get two free tickets as well.

He asked his brother and his partner if they would like to go as well as us. There are no bad seats but we were up a way. The presentation was after the first match and there looked to be about 20 voltunteers and five ball kids.

We went out for lunch and I rang Warren to see where he was as he didnt need to work until 3.30pm. He was inside as he had been given an extra two seats from another volunteer who had two but she hadnt been able to give them away.

I said that I had never been that close in the fourth row back so we went for the last hour before he had to work.
No zoom here.

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