Monday 24 December 2018

REAL cows milk

Last weem we paid a visit to Maleny Dairies. One of my favourite places to take visitors or just togo and buy their great produce.

While we waited for the tour to start, Lindsay decided to set the chess pieces to rights.

After a short video it was off to milk the cow.
Lindsay surprised us by milking the cow into her hand and then drinking it. Nothing wrong with jt at all except that it is at body temperature.

Two of the calves at seven weeks old who were looking for a feed from the kids and anyone else. The pigs and chooks were also fed and we had a quick walk through a new exhibit which was a weatherboard hut that has been relocated. Two Italian men were captured in war time and they were allowed to stay insteadof prison or a war camp as long as they worked on the farm. This they agreed too and it was left how they lived.

Next on the milking sheds.
After a through hand washing there were tastings. Plain milk, nice and cold, then chocolate, strawberry and coffee milk. Plian unsweetened yoghurt  then apricot and strawberry flavour last was the custard. I dont like custard and I never make it but one exception is Maleny custard, dont know what they do but their custard is truly delightful. Sometimes I can buy iy at our local shops.

We came away with milk yoghurt cheeses and custard, I had thought to put the esky in the back of the car so no problems to get it home.

As we mainly used UHT milk, Lindsay was thrilled that we had real cows milk to drink. The four litres that I bought didnt last long.

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