Wednesday 26 December 2018

The pressures of owning a pet.

I didnt sleep that well last night, to the extent I saw midnight, 1am, 2.30am and a visit by a spider 3.30am and then I think I did get some sleep. Warren had been snoring and snuffling alongside of me until the spider visit but more on that later.

At three oclock we are both reading our tablets in bed (not the spider though), hence we slept in somewhat this morning and were slow to get going. As we had an arrangement for a coffee at 10.30, Lucy didnt get her walk.

Came home after coffee and a bit of shopping, needed a fluro light for the ensuite  the kitchen one refused to light on the weekend and Warren swapped them as the kitchen light was more important to have than our bathroom. Now the silly shopping season is over and we were out it was a good opportunity to get a new one.

By the time this was done, it was lunch, then it was too hot to go walking.

This evening after dinner and before it got completely dark, I put her harness on and off we went for a short walk.

I usually let her determine where our walks take us but I decided to walk down our street and then around past the shops and up through the alleyway.  She was quite happy to head down the road and half way along she looked to cross the road. As we needed to be on that side, I went along with that and we wandered around the corner then a few metres along the path, she sat. I have taught her to sit at the kerb and wait. She wanted to go across the road. I pulled her lead a little, she looked at me and I could see her phyically pushing down on the road as in she wasnt going anywhere. "Come on Lucy, we are going this way" as I pulled her lead a little more. She looked straight at me and then looked across the road and back to me again.

"Lucy" I could hear my voice being a little louder and clear "We are going this way! " still she sat. "LUCY! We are going this way!" She knew she had lost the battle and got up and continued to walk along with me but still looking across the road.

Then I realised the absurdity of it arguing with a dog who cannot answer back although she did let me know what she wanted. We have never gone that way but possibly some of her minders have andtherefore she thinks or wants to go that way.

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