Monday 3 December 2018

Exploding sausage rolls!

I got cooking yesterday, made a couple of salads, a quiche for dinner and I knew that I had some pastry in the freezer, which these days is unusual for us. I also had sausages so decided to make sausage rolls, the easy way.

The easy way is just cut the pastry sheets in half, place a sausage along it, sometimes need two and a bit sometimes just two depending on the size/length of the sausage.

I had bought cheese sausages, hadnt bought them before, they had pieces of cheese inside.

Well, the first problem was, I had a feeling that it was short crust rather than puff pastry. I had used a couple of sheets and just repacked it in a plastic bag.
Not sure why they exploded, maybe the pastry, it did taste a little sweet. Maybe when the cheese in the sausages got hot, it expanded. Never had it happen before.
Warren tells me that they taste alright though.

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