Thursday 27 December 2018

Sleeping with a spider

Had some trouble sleeping the other night so about 2.30am, I got up and went to kitchen to make myself hot/warm milo to see if they would help.

Coming into the bedroom,my eyes were drawn to the ceiling. Yuk, there was a spider on the ceiling just above the bottom of our bed.  It looked to be about a fiftycent piece so not a tiny thing. I went to get the spray usually I would have grabbed a shoe and smacked it up but I couldnt reach it.

A quick spray then I realised that the spider could drop onto the bed if I continued down that path. Time to wake Warren, thinking that he could possibly reach it if he stood on the bed. Half asleep he was wandering around and grabbed his shirt that hadnt as yet made it to the dirty clothes bin and flicked at it.

Lucy was a bit frightened, she had been asleep but came to the doorway when she heard us talking so I took her outside. Besides I didnt want to around when the spidertook off as who knows where it would go.

Warren thought that it scurried into the walk in wardrobe and was merrily spraying bug spray into the entry way.  We didnt see the spider again and assume that he went to his maker.

Stats say that we swallow up to ten spiders through out our lives, think that one would have been a bit chewy.

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